Monday, 11 April 2011

Recent goings-on

A few images of some paintings I am working on at the moment.  I have decided to paint a Landscape, Ive never painting one before.  Reminicsing about University throughout the day made me pissed off,  I  can't seem to find closure on the regret of going to study in Bath. and the bullshit of it all!  One of the worse feelings I believe is that of wondering what would of happened if you had just listened to yourself., so I decided to paint a landscape. 

They are all a working progress


  1. they're all amazing, but i really love that second piece! your use of white (along with the contrast of the blended tones and the solid orange) makes the piece very inviting :)

  2. Thankyou very much! I have left for a few months now, Im unsure which way it is going to go! Rxxx
